Priyanka Kodikal is a creative lead
based in Berlin, Germany.

Selected Projects
Design for
︎︎︎  Creative Technologies 
︎︎︎  Interactive Spaces
︎︎︎  Service Systems
︎︎︎  Data & Information
︎︎︎  Education
︎︎︎  Virtual Worlds





  • Design Ideation and Prototyping
  • Building a Design Culture inside an Organisation
  • Co-creation workshops

Smartmatic is a Venezuelan multinational company that offers electronic voting technology and services designed to make elections more auditable and transparent. We held a 4 week co-creation workshop in Panama where we worked together with different project teams to build user-focused voting expriences for elections held worldwide.

︎ Designit - Smartmatic

Our scope was to coach different product engineering teams within Smartmatic about the people-centered design process. We taught them how to build quick prototypes and to iterate to validate their ideas with end-user testing. Our design outcome followed rigid legal interface guidelines and criteria to build election systems for different countries.

The Voting Machine 
The voting machine project aimed to achieve two objectives. The first objective was to redesign the election products, and the second was to enhance the setup and service experience for the voting machines. To this end, we developed a new service that streamlines the voting process.

In the first phase of the project, we conducted user research to gather insights into the current setup and usage of voting machines. Our team observed service providers during the setup process and voters during the actual voting process. We documented the challenges and opportunities for improvement and presented our findings to the product and engineering teams for redesigning the voting machines.

The second phase of the project, which our sprint focused on, involved redesigning the interface for two types of voting machines: a ballot reading machine and a digital voting machine. Our team mapped out the user journeys and scenarios for both poll workers and voters, and used this information to design the voting interface. This design process was iterative and followed strict legal guidelines provided by our legal partners from countries that worked with Smartmatic.

The Voting Statistics and News Hub
The voting statistics publishing website serves as a hub for real-time election news, data, and results. It also features a public forum for open discussions about the election process. In our design sprint with the Smartmatic team, we explored ways to personalize the election news and data that is published on the website, allowing users to receive real-time updates tailored to their interests.

Additionally, we focused on improving the user experience for illiterate individuals by offering expert explanations of election results from an impartial perspective. During the sprint, we conducted a thorough review of the existing website and used card sorting to reorganize the content for the new website. Our aim was to enhance the website's storytelling capabilities and make the content easier to navigate.

The Election Management System
Election-360 is a comprehensive platform for managing elections that facilitates effective planning, tracking, and control of every aspect of the election process in real-time. This platform enables election project managers to monitor the progress of poll workers, operators, and the voting process, ensuring that everything runs smoothly.

Election-360 provides real-time data and pre-configured instructions to election authorities, allowing them to respond quickly and effectively to any on-field incidents without disrupting the election schedule. By providing timely and accurate information, Election-360 helps build public trust in election authorities and the election process.

We followed the Google sprint method with the engineering team in Panama to envision and build the Election-360 platform:
︎ On Monday, we set goals for the project and researched various challenges in the election product service system that we could improve.
︎ On Tuesday, we reviewed and discussed different solutions for these challenges. We wireframed different design options and critically evaluated the results.
︎ On Wednesday, we user-tested our designs, evaluated our assumptions and gathered user feedback on what we could improve.
︎ On Thursday, we iterated on the design based on user feedback. We then built prototypes to gather more feedback.
︎ On Friday, we user-tested the prototypes to validate our assumptions. We then reviewed the designs again to a state we found satisfactory. 

Building a Design Driven Organisation
We continued our design coaching sprints in Panama, across teams within Smartmatic and helped them establish an in-house design department.


2015 - 2017

  • Design Ideation and Prototyping
  • Co-creation workshops
  • Stakeholder management 

Cisco systems is a multinational corporate technology company that designs, manufactures and sells high end video conferencing and collaboration products. I was part of the team that designed the entire service journey for the future of video conferencing and collaboration.

As a design team member at Cisco, I was responsible for enhancing the onboarding experience for the innovative video conferencing product, Cisco Spark. My focus was to use automation to simplify complex procedures and streamline the onboarding process.

Working closely with the service design team, I meticulously crafted user journeys and performed regular user tests to gather crucial feedback and insights. This iterative process allowed us to continually enhance and refine the onboarding experience, ensuring that users had a straightforward and intuitive introduction to Cisco Spark.

My contributions to the design team were instrumental in the success of Cisco Spark, helping the product achieve its goal of transforming real-time collaboration and communication.

Project Workplace Website
Project Workplace is a comprehensive sales website for Cisco Systems that provides customers with a comprehensive overview of the company's extensive portfolio of products and services. As a critical member of the design team, I was responsible for shaping the information architecture, establishing a strong brand design and storytelling, and crafting an engaging user experience through design.

︎Project Workplace

Through our efforts, Project Workplace was transformed into a dynamic platform that showcased the full range of Cisco Systems' offerings, highlighting the company's expertise and innovation. The website made it easy for customers to explore and discover the products and services that best meet their needs, while the powerful storytelling brought the company's brand to life.



  • Design Ideation and Prototyping
  • Co-creation workshops
  • Stakeholder management
  • Leading the team in the design process, UX and Visual Design, Creating User Journeys, User testing, Wireframing, Prototyping, Design Delivery.

Connected Spaces harnesses the power of technology to bring people and their work environments together. With a seamless, multi-device integration system, this project allows for effective monitoring and optimization of office spaces. It provides valuable insights into how people interact with their work environment, enabling the development of effective policies and design strategies that enhance the overall work experience.

Connected Spaces
The traditional work environment, rooted in industrial-era production processes, has limited today's workplaces in their ability to foster creativity, collaboration, and communication. The linear, assembly-line approach to work has given rise to the widespread use of cubicles, but this approach is no longer sufficient to meet the demands of the modern workplace.

In order to meet the needs of today's businesses, there is a growing demand for dynamic, adaptable work spaces that can support a wide range of activities and facilitate collaboration and communication. The Connected Spaces product offering provides a convenient, efficient solution for booking rooms, finding facilities, and connecting with other employees. By leveraging data from embedded sensors, this integrated system empowers workplace managers to make informed decisions about real estate and resource management. 

As the lead designer, I worked closely with stakeholders from WeWork’s Singapore and US offices to define the goals of the project. Based on these goals, I defined a research strategy and prototyped ideas for use testing. We used an iterative approach to validate our ideas for building connected spaces with IoT systems. This project eventually became the Wework Workplace App and the WeWork Flexible Workspace app. 
